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Welcome to the EU-funded IAPP-project ‚Decent AID‘

What is an IAPP project?

What is the project about?

The full title of this project is: Novel drug delivery system produced by centrifugal  technologies – composed to minimize adverse immune reactions and designed for optimised therapeutic effects.

Drug delivery systems are a matter of intensive scientific investigation and technological developments. They are necessary since many active pharmaceutical ingredients to be employed in therapy, diagnostics or vaccination cause serious side effects when distributed non-specifically. Without a drug delivery system, the active pharmaceutical ingredients may accumulate in healthy and sensitive tissue, provoke adverse immune reactions, have poor solubility, low bioavailability and inefficient targeting. Read more about the specific problems to be solved by this project

What are the main objectives?

To meet the challenges of safe drug delivery, the key objectives of the proposed project are the development and testing of an innovative production technology for nanocapsules as a drug delivery system. These novel nanocapsules should be especially suited for biopharmaceuticals such as  RNA, DNA or proteins which are vulnerable to degradation by existing encapsulation technologies. An immune protection consisting of a suitable polymer cover of the nanocapsules has to be developed to enable long circulation in human blood without provoking innate immune reactions. Read more about the main objectives

Find us on CORDIS!

Our project is showcased on the Community Research and Development Information Service CORDIS 

See also the Results in Brief


The research leading to these results has received funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European
Union’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7 (2007–2013) under REA grant agreement no. 324275 (project acronym Decent AID)